Friday, March 4, 2011

Pokemon Soulsilver Emulator For Mac

Friday filler 04:03:11

It is time again for the Friday Filler ... a cherished habit! :)

first It smells like bath Mr. Clean spray and the smell is also great-Britta:)
second Moah that my lips have to hurt at the outer edge of it all the time and burn in the cold weather I can not stand that!

3rd As I have managed to accumulate so many paints and not even notice it? * Ups *

4th Oh my God ... I'm really that stupid? Berlin see you soon - that I would never have dreamed of.

5th I'm looking forward to the time in three weeks, I've done that is the temporary replacement, which starts on Monday and which I now know that it is really bad!

6th "Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow" is fucking catchy tune in my head up and down.

7th As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to my friend , tomorrow I have planned again Ikea and Sunday I would actually like to see sports even know if I can pull myself together!

You can find the Friday Filler as always here


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